Cat Rocketship: You know you're a Des Moines hipster when...

Cat Rocketship

Hipsters. People in the know. Cool kids with on-trend wardrobes and bizarre fashion experiments. They're all thick-rimmed glasses and vintage band tees, and not one of them would ever cop to the hipster label. Part of the genius of hipsterdom is the subculture's aptitude for specialization. There are food hipsters, music hipsters, vintage hipsters — even Des Moines hipsters.

In case you're unsure about your qualifications, I give you the Des Moines hipster identification worksheet. Before you spend one more minute in hipster denial, take a look at these telltale signs:

10. You sat at the table next to George Formaro at Django one night. (And you totally think he kind of smiled at you. You follow each other on Twitter, after all.)

9. You remember when Raygun was Smash and the Fighting Burrito was the Flying Burrito (and you prefer the original titles, if anyone's asking).

8. You know at least four people who SHOULD have been included in the Des Moines Art Festival. You have an eye for local talent.

7. Your Instagram is littered with sunset skyline shots, Nomade selfies, and the High Trestle Bridge at night.

6. You lived in a downtown loft for a year or two before finding that perfect home in Ingersoll/Beaverdale/south of Grand, getting a dog and popping out triplets.

5. You're sure you've paid at least one full month of Van Holmgren's rent -- you've got the plank skull, the state Capitol, even a bunny rabbit -- but you MUST have that new painting he just posted on Instagram.

4. You're a member of at least five collectives, like Des Moines Bike Collective, the Franklin Community Garden, Gravitate Coworking, Community Supported Art and Tabletop Farm CSA.

3. You haven't missed Cleverly Farm's Spring Garlicpalooza for five years running, and last year, you definitely had a moment with at least three separate Des Moines food luminaries on the hayrack ride.

2. You've attended the Bash at all three locations of the Des Moines Social Club, and you're pretty sure you left an item of clothing at at least two.

1. You knew who was playing 80/35 before Amedeo did. I mean, it makes total sense, they played Pitchfork last year.